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Exam Prep

We’re here to support you with resources that can empower you to succeed. Successful testing starts with proper preparation. Our study packages and tutoring includes face to face online study guides based on test plans and practice tests are designed to simulate the actual certification exam. Our test plans map out key content to study as students prepare for their CCMA exam


At POC Training Center, we strive to help our students reach their educational goals. We understand that the path to success can be difficult and intimidating, so we’re here to support you with resources that can empower you to succeed. Our study packages and tutoring includes face to face online study guides based on test plans and practice tests are designed to simulate the actual certification exam. We strive to provide our students with the best possible resources to give them the greatest chance of success.

At POC Training Center, we provide the best in continuing education for medical assistants. We are dedicated to helping medical assistants stay up to date with the latest developments in the field and to help them stay on top of their certification requirements.


We offer a variety of courses, lectures, and seminars that can help medical assistants stay current and refreshed in their field. If you are a medical assistant that is actively in the medical field and has already graduated from a program, we can have a refresher course that can help you with your certification

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