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Medical Assisting

Become Nationally

Kick Start Your Medical Career Today

At POC Training Center, we are passionate about helping students gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to excel in their chosen medical field. Our hybrid 8 Week program offers a comprehensive curriculum that trains students to become multi-skilled professionals who assist physicians. During the program, students will learn to perform duties under the direction of a physician in all areas of medical practice.

Our program is unique in that it provides a combination of online and classroom education, allowing students to learn from experienced medical professionals and prepare for their future. We are committed to helping our students become the best medical professionals they can be.


This Diploma program will educate you in specific disciplines like:

  • Venipuncture procedures

  • Patient monitoring and Care

  • Infection control

  • Charting and reporting procedures

  • EKG

  • And Much More


We offer a world-class education in the field of Professional Outdoor Certification (POC). Our comprehensive courses are designed to give students the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in their chosen field. Our course also includes examination preparation for the certification through NPS.

We understand that the path to success starts with a strong educational foundation, and that is why we strive to provide top-notch instruction in all of our courses. Our experienced instructors are dedicated to helping our students reach their full potential and achieve their goals. If you are ready to take your future to the next level click here  for registration


We understand that not everyone has the financial means to pay for an education up front. That is why we have a non-interest payment plan. Currently, the cost of our program is $5,500.00 plus a non-refundable deposit of $800. We believe that everyone should have access to quality education and we are committed to making it a reality. We strive to provide quality education at an affordable price.

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